Friday, October 17, 2008

The Rule Of Prominence (It's True - Less is More)

When you really have something important to convey, don't bury the key facts in an avalanche of non-critical facts.

Often, thinking that more info is better, we bury the message we are trying to convey or, at very least, leave the listener searching through mountains of facts for the real nuggets. The next time you have something important to say (personal or business), decide which facts are most critical and focus on those.

This is the rule of prominence. You need to centre your words so that what is most important in your message takes prominence over everything else. Don't leave any doubt about what you are trying to say or what you are asking.

More isn't better; it is confusing. Stay clear and focused and you will create fewer misunderstandings. This holds true when talking to friends, colleagues, senior management and most definitely when talking to children.

Stay clear, stay focused on the key facts only and keep it short. It will make all the difference.

the communication guru

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